Brendon is a Coach and has been a financial professional for over 25 years. He is an entrepreneur, licensed Investment Advisor and Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA). His coaching methodology empowers families to transform their experience of investing and to discover the following:
• New possibilities for the future when creating a True Purpose for Money™;
• The difference that implementing empirically tested, Nobel-prize winning principles related to investing can make;
• Coaching as the critical component to the fulfillment of dreams and goals;
• And how to identify, eliminate and avoid all forms of speculation and gambling with investments.
As a fiduciary, he is free from the need to sell and receives zero commissions. Therefore, client-families can have complete confidence that advice is in their best interest.
He’s an expert at investment advising, financial and retirement planning, cash flow management and strategies to become debt-free. The strategies he uses lower income taxation, maximize wealth transfer to beneficiaries and prolong investment account balances during retirement.
Clients that need accounting/tax preparation, life and health insurance, estate planning, and business valuation services are connected to his partners and other professionals.
Prior to starting his career, Brendon studied architectural engineering at the University of Kansas (’86-’91), served in the United States Coast Guard (’91-’95) and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Public Administration from the Bloch School of Business, University of Missouri, Kansas City (’96).
He married his wife Cate in 1997 and they have three children, Victoria, Rawson and Rebekah. Brendon loves driving high performance automobiles, fitness, free markets, capitalism, spending time outdoors with family and living his American dream.